Bad News and More Bad News

It’s time to get real honest, something that I try not to do because I run a business and I should be professional. But I’m also a single person who has been running TSB for twelve years and I’m worn out. It also doesn’t help that this year has me in a time warp. Apollycon was in April but it feels like it was a decade ago and I’m still trying to regain the momentum I lost while I was closed to attend. Creatively, I am drained; Businessly, I am having an adverse reaction to being in my studio. While I enjoy working for myself, not having the extras that come with working a traditional job are starting to get to me (ie. vacation days, 401k, not getting decimated by the IRS every year, etc.) and it is showing… like how I haven’t posted any new items since May.

Adding to the whole storm of chaos that is my brain, two of my main metal suppliers have closed down. This has left me in a bit of a panic because I can’t find similar shape, quality, thickness, etc. from other vendors. This will effect all of my cast pewter, the aluminum and brass heart nurse pins, and the t-rex and triceratops keychains among others. This also comes at a time in which my steel vendors have raised their prices, meaning I’m going to have to raise mine on almost everything.

I also got ahead of myself posting about Fourth Wing merchandise. I was approved by Rebecca Yarros’s team on July 24th, was told to expect the contract in a couple days and that was the last I heard about it, so we’re just going to move on.

There are a lot more bookish jewelry and accessories on the way. There are a few pieces I’m waiting on SJM’s team to approve and there are a few other authors I’m working on licensing with, so hopefully I’ll have a giant update before Christmas.

As always, if there’s something you’d like to see, send me a message through the website or comment on this post.