Coming Soon...

Well hello there. Sorry it’s been so long. I had a post saved from April that I apparently never posted, so that’s not great.

I closed down for a week in April while I was at Apollycon and things have gone kind of off track since. That week in April was the first time I’ve had a break from TSB since we moved to New York in 2018 and it was apparently very much needed. So much so, that they are going to become a regular thing. I can count on one hand the amount of time I’ve taken off (not including military moves) since I started TSB in 2012 and that’s really not good. I cut down my working hours to preserve my mental health and I think that regular breaks are also needed because I’m developing an aversion to being in the studio… which is why it’s been a few months since I’ve had any new items. I have the biggest creative block right now and I’m trying to work through it, but it’s tough.

And on that note… TSB has been approved for licensing by Rebecca Yarros and her publishers for Fourth Wing merch. Yay! I’m still waiting for the contract, and the process has been slow (they are incredibly overwhelmed), but there will be dragons coming. If you have any quotes you’d like to see on an item, please send a message via the contact link.

I guess that is about it for now. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.