March Musings & Hey! An Instagram Contest!

January was both the longest month ever and the shortest one. I think I sat down to write a new blog post about fifty times and always ended up distracted by something.

Definitely some changes happening around here, hopefully for the better. Because I tend to be scattered, I’m going to be reconfiguring my workflow a bit. Monday - Tuesday, my focus will be primarily administrative; Wednesdays will be dedicated to site updates; and Thursday and Friday will be the bulk of my studio time. This won’t change production times, it’s basically just to try to rein in my chaos.

More changes! I’m finally putting that mailing list to use, so make sure you sign up so you don’t miss anything. Sales, new collections, and contests are just a few of the things I will be announcing through the list. I promise I will not send multiple messages a day like certain places you may have shopped (I’m looking at you, Children’s Place), but more of a once a month roundup of stuff.

Wednesdays will now be the day to check out the website for new products. They will also be in their own section titled NEW STUFF and will be left there all month long before being sorted into their respective categories. First update utilizing the new section will be this Wednesday.

I’m also going to be running a contest on Instagram. Depending on how much interest I get, it may be ongoing. All you have to do is tag @thesadbasset in a photo wearing your TSB item. Each photo will be entered into a drawing for a $5 TSB gift card. One entry per account, per month, please. The winning photo may also be shared on the official TSB instagram account as well as here in the blog, so make sure it’s a photo you don’t mind people seeing.

And with that, I think my random babblings of today are done. I will leave you with this amazing photo of my paw print urn necklace from Enchanted Hills Photography. If you’re in NC, you must contact Lauren and have her take your photo!