Introducing the Newest Member of TSB


If you haven’t been following TSB long, The Sad Basset got its name from my Princess, Chloe. Chloe was the best dog a girl could ask for, and when we lost her, we weren’t sure if we wanted another dog. The one thing we did know was that if we were to get another dog, it would be another basset hound. I contacted our local basset hound rescue for more information and found out that you basically get whatever dog is available when it’s your turn. I really wanted to rescue a basset, but not knowing anything about the dog while having small kids in the house didn’t seem like a responsible plan. I searched our animal shelter, pet, local breeders, and came up empty until I discovered a website called I spent a few days on there awing over basset hound puppies and trying to decide if we were ready for another dog… and then I stumbled upon one very sweet little face and I just knew.

I sent her photo to my husband and well, he agreed. So being the ridiculous people we are, we drove from NY to NC to get our girl. She’s been with us for about a week and it’s hard to even imagine a time before she was here. She’s got some pretty big paws to fill, because Chloe was the absolute best dog ever, but so far she’s doing great.

And because I am absolutely ridiculous, you can follow Remi on Instagram @RemiTheBassetHound