November Updates

I swear I start off each of these posts with saying that I can’t believe it’s already ____, but it seriously feels like I blinked and October was over. This will probably be the last post until after the holidays, unless something drastic happens with shipping.

Holiday Production Schedule:
Right now, I don’t have any plans to close for the holidays. This could change if I am overwhelmed by an influx of orders. My 10 business day / 2 week turnaround time will be staying in place, so please be mindful of that as well as any potential delays with shipping carriers. They did start slowing down mid-October, with the Chicago sort facility already being backed up. Next week I’ll be sending out an early access sale e-mail and general sale information will be posted on Instagram.

I combined the last few weeks of donations, so everything after the last total is included through November 1st. Nine necklaces of varying designs were sold for a total of $80.10. As always, I rounded up, this time to $100 and sent the donation to The Afiya Center.

New Stuff:
Two new SJM ornaments are available for purchase in the SJM section. There’s also a new TSB inspired merch section with shirts fulfilled by Printful. I’m working on adding my uterus designs to the shop as well. There is currently a crop top design that is out of stock at their US facility, so if you order that shirt, it will ship from Europe and will probably take longer.

Boring Stuff:
I recently found out that my supplier of cast pewter has closed up shop. This means a lot of the cast pewter ornaments, bubble wands, keychains, bracelets, etc. will be gone as soon as I run out of my stock. This means a lot of my ornaments will be gone, the anchors, trees and the ASL baubles in particular. I’m hoping to find a supplier for similar designs, but unless they sold their molds when they closed up, it probably won’t happen. Because of this, a lot of my newer ornament designs are shapes cut from pewter sheet, which unfortunately is creeping up in cost. I will be switching some over to aluminum and stainless where I can to help offset the cost.

I’m also looking to do some collaborations with some #bookish peeps who would like jewelry or other bookish items in exchange for some promotion. If that is you, please send me a message through the contact page with the subject line COLLABORATION.

Have a safe and happy holiday season!